Porcelain Fixed Bridges

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Dental porcelain is remarkable in its ability to replicate both the form and function of original teeth. Whether you’re looking at veneers, crowns, or a fixed bridge, the use of porcelain can provide the longevity, durability, and esthetic you desire. A porcelain fixed bridge is very useful when replacing a tooth or a couple of teeth that are no longer viable. The porcelain can be sculpted to replicate the look of natural tooth enamel and using this durable material gives your bridge a strong base to rely upon. Porcelain is so flexible in its design capabilities that it can be used not only to replace lost teeth, but also to improve the original appearance of those teeth and create a flawless replacement.


There are different ways to replace missing or damaged teeth, so a dental health professional should be contacted if this is a problem you are facing. Your teeth will carefully be examined and the right course of treatment will be pursued. If you think a porcelain bridge is the waty to go, make sure to bring that up to our top cosmetic dentist. He or she will explain the benefits of using porcelain and the few pitfalls you may run across. Make sure you express your concerns and if the main reason you’re seeking porcelain is cosmetic, don’t be ashamed to admit it; you will quickly discover that porcelain is excellent for esthetic reasons, but also has some highly desirable functional benefits as well.


A porcelain fixed bridge replaces missing teeth by using the surrounding teeth as a foundation. This creates a literal “bridge” between the remaining teeth and the missing teeth.Dental porcelain is a great product because it can be shaped to replicate original teeth and fit comfortably within the established bite pattern. Porcelain is also very durable, will withstand most natural tooth functions, and can vividly mimic tooth enamel with its glass-like whiteness and translucence, which allows light to penetrate and scatter as it does with natural organic teeth.


Maintaining a porcelain bridge is actually quite simple. Treat your bridge in the same manner as you would original teeth, with routine brushing with non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste and regular flossing. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled to evaluate your bridge shortly after it’s placed, so the dentist can review his or her handiwork and see how your mouth is reacting to the treatment. Even if you think everything feels perfect, this appointment is vital to your future oral health.

Why Choose Broitman DDS - Brighton Dental?
  • More resistant to staining.
  • More resistant to weart and tear.
  • Made from top of the line material.
  • Easier to maintain.
  • Made to last longer.
  • Created to be more durable.

Dr. Broitman was very informative when i came in for a consultation. I was very surprised that he actually suggested one of the less pricey options and went on to tell me that my problem wasn't that bad. I didn't have to spend thousands of dollars like my last doctor tried to have me do to fix my teeth. He is now our family's dentist. Because i know i can trust him not only with my teeth but my money.

Mr. Brenskiy and Family
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